Oh my goodness, I'm a paid subscriber, but your site keeps sending in my in loop after loop after loop. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. I've been paying for months, and now I want to finally read some of this material and I can't get in. Terrible, terrible user experience. I'm sure I'm not helping, but my goodness what an aggravation!
I'm gunning for the 30-minute 1:1. Stay tuned.
Let's go! Almost half way!
It took a while but I got there in the end. Looking forward to the 1:1 with you and Dickie!
Any idea how often the leaderboard updates?
Oh my goodness, I'm a paid subscriber, but your site keeps sending in my in loop after loop after loop. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. I've been paying for months, and now I want to finally read some of this material and I can't get in. Terrible, terrible user experience. I'm sure I'm not helping, but my goodness what an aggravation!
Oh no! Sorry, John. Let me know if it doesn't resolve.